OO and Inheritance

Ben Butler
2 min readJul 22, 2021


Inheritance is an intuitive concept to understand, and a representative idea taught for object oriented programming. It has been obsolesced since being called out as less favorable than composition by the Gang of Four’s 1994 book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

Inheritance is idea of thinking about lower level abstractions (motorcycle, car, truck) as inheriting properties of higher level abstractions (vehicle). Composition is the idea lower level abstractions (wheels, engine, wings, etc) compose the characteristics higher level abstractions (vehicle).

Below is a JavaScript example of composition.

The abstraction will be that a character is composed of an armor and weapon.

Three types of armor: heavy, medium, light.

const heavyArmor = (character) => ({
damage: (amount) => {
character.health = character.health - 3;
console.log(`${amount} damage reduced health to ${character.health}!`);
const mediumArmor = (character) => ({
damage: (amount) => {
character.health = character.health - 2;
console.log(`${amount} damage reduced health to ${character.health}!`);
const lightArmor = (character) => ({
damage: (amount) => {
character.health = character.health - 1;
console.log(`${amount} damage reduced health to ${character.health}!`);

Three types of weapons: sword, axe, hammer.

const sword = (character) => ({
attack: (enemy) => {
const axe = (character) => ({
attack: (enemy) => {
const hammer = (character) => ({
attack: (enemy) => {

Three species, each defined by their composition of weapon and armor

const human = () => {
let character = {
health: 100
return Object.assign(character, mediumArmor(character), sword());
const orc = () => {
let character = {
health: 100
return Object.assign(character, heavyArmor(character), axe());
const elf = () => {
let character = {
health: 100
return Object.assign(character, lightArmor(character), hammer());

A factory function that returns the object appropriate for the species

const createCharacter = function(species){
if (species === 'human') return human();
if (species === 'orc') return orc();
if (species === 'elf') return elf();

Now I have a character creator, that I can use to create character that can attack and mitigate damage.

let me = createCharacter('human');
let them = createCharacter('orc');

Pattern: Factory

Refactoring: Replace Conditional with Polymorphism

Principle: Dependency Inversion



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